Monday 25 May 2020

Wintersett 23rd, 24th and 25th May 2020

Saturday 23rd May 2020
Anglers CP: Little Ringed Plover 2.  Mallard 1 small young.  Cormorant 1.
Mute Swan 15 + 2 WRes.. + 4 CHRes..  Willow Tit 1 north bank.
Oystercatcher 5 adults+ 2 young.  Herring Gull 43 south.
Black-headed young moved from raft to island.
Wintersett Res.. Common Tern 40.  Swift 700.  Goldeneye 1 female.
Reptile: A Grass Snake was seen in the Stubbs Wood area.

Sunday 24th May 2020
Anglers CP: Little Ringed Plover 2. Ringed Plover 1. Mute Swan 20 + 2 WRes.. + 4 CHRes.. A Little Egret flew in to shallows at 09.55hrs, left west at 09.59hrs.  Oystercatcher 2 young.  A Magpie took a young Black-headed Gull on the islands. A 1st summer Great Black-backed Gull flew north.  Dunlin 1.
Wintersett Area:  PerSteve Denny.
Lapwing  3 broods.  An Adult Snipe and a very small juvenile seen in the area confirms breeding.  A very rare breeder here, with a couple of suspected cases in 90s, the only ones since the early 1970s!
                       Peafowl thought to be from Manor House Farm - in field beyond CHRes.    24.06.20 ASmith      
  Monday 25th May 2020

Anglers CP: Mute Swan 20 + 4 Cold Hiendley Res. + 2 Wintersett Res..  Tufted Duck 18 WRes. + 8 ACP. 
Wintersett Res: Great Crested Grebe 14 + 2 ACP + 2 CHRes..  Cuckoo, at least 2 singing males in the area.  Goldeneye 1 female.
20 Birds were ringed,  at Anglers CP, including 3 Willow Warblers.  8 Robins, 7 of which were juveniles!  2 Reed Buntings.  2 Blackbirds and 1 Sedge Warbler.  

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