Wednesday 17 June 2020

Carlton Marsh

The best bits of today 70 Herring and 7 LBB Gulls, 14 Tufted Duck, 2 Dabchick, Cuckoo, Lesser Whitethroat & Garden Warbler singing. 2 Collared Doves in the car park is unusual for this site.
3 Peregrines have semi-fledged at Ardagh Glassworks. (JP)
Bee Orchid (Alan Jones)
Cudworth Common (with Les Corrall)
Lapwings have quite a few young, Redshanks have probably got young and Ringed Plover have 3 new young from a second brood safely tucked away in the Symphony factory compound.
Butterflies included 10 Meadow Brown, 9 Small Tortoiseshell, 1 Small Skipper and 1 Ringlet.

Ferrymoor Flash
There was no sign of the breeding Oystercatchers or their 2 chicks and no sign of the Great Crested Grebe chick, but as it was on the nest another clutch may have been laid. Canada Geese totalled 30 and Greylags c40. 2 pairs of Pochard were also present and a Pied wagtail was taking food into a nest.

Woolley (Yesterday 16/6/20)
14 species of butterfly included a late Peacock, 2 Red Admiral, 22 Small Tortoiseshell, and 10 Marbled White. It looks like a good year so far for Small Tortoiseshell. 3 Blackneck moths were flushed in the process. (Chris Parkin)


  1. The Ferrymoor Oystercatchers have moved into the Symphony compound, unfortunatly they had only one (fairly well grown) chick when I saw them.
    Redshank have fledged one chick and there is another new brood inside the compound.


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