Tuesday 23 June 2020

Cudworth Common

This mornings exercise with Les Corrall. 2 Garden Warblers were singing from the wooded hillside and Willow Tit and a Coal Tit family were among a Tit flock. 

11 species of butterfly included 1 Red Admiral, 1 Comma, 28 Small Tortoiseshell, 46 Small Skipper, 59 Meadow Brown and 77 Ringlet.
2 male Emperor, Brown Hawker and 2 male Black-tailed Skimmer were flying over the flashes. An early Narrow-borderd 5 Spot Burnet Moth was resting on Knapweed.

Symphony Factory Compound
There was no sign of the Oystercatchers, but they may have been disturbed by workmen. Or perhaps they have made their way to Edderthorpe Flash with the chicks?
At least 2 Ringed Plovers and Redshank. 1 bird flew over to the Ash Plateau and was alarming as if young nearby. This bird is wearing a BTO ring on its left leg!

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