Tuesday 14 July 2020

Cudworth Common

The wooded area was full of birds which included a large Tit flock with at least 13 Coal Tit juveniles, a Willow Tit and a Treecreeper. As far as I know this bird hasn't been recorded on this site before.

Butterflies were thin on the ground because of the cool wind but we managed to see 5 Gatekeeper, a few Ringlet and Large and Green Veined White. A Common Carpet moth was in pristine condition.

Ferrymoor Flash
2 Oystercatchers flew north from the Symphony compound and 2 Ringed Plover flew into it. 2 Sand Martins and c15 Swallows were hawking over the flash. Both Great Crested Grebes were away from the nest so it looks like they have failed to produce again. (Les Corrall CG)

2 calling Peregrine Falcons flew west over Firth Avenue at 17.50hrs (Dave Standish)

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