Monday 14 September 2020

Wintersett 14.09.20

A very hot 18 - 24 degrees, sunny with a very light, south westerly breeze.
Wintersett Res:   2 Whimbrel circled over and left west at 08.10hrs and the Black Tern juvenile still present - per @StevieD131.   Goosander 1 redhead.  Little Grebe 6 + 1 ACP..
Anglers CP VisMig: Meadow Pipit 170 south.  Red Kite 2 over. Buzzard 7 south + 20 locals.   Swallow 270 south. 
Anglers CP: Goldeneye 4 females.  Cormorant 16 + 6 WRes..  Hobby 1.  Siskin 5 over.   A 1stW Mediterranean Gull flew in at 14.10hrs.  Black-necked Grebe 2. Little Egret 1.  Yellow-legged Gull 4 adults.
Pits Wood: Nuthatch 1.
Odonata: Common Darter 1 north bank WRes.   Brown Hawker 1 northbank WRes. + 2 Botany Bay. Common Blue Damselfly 1 male Botany.
Lepidoptera:  A Green-veined White on east bank WRes.  Red Admiral 6 Pits Wood.   Peacock  1 and Large White 1 ACP.

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