Sunday 6 September 2020

Carlton Marsh

This morning 3 Water Rails, 6 Shovelers, 21 Teal, Little Egret, 18 Lapwings and Kingfisher. Also of note 4 Little Grebes, Willow Tit, Coal Tit, c20 Siskins south, 1 Redpoll north, Great Spot Woodpecker, 2 Buzzards, Sparrowhawk, Kestrel c 20 Canada Geese with a few Greylags. (JP/CG)

This evening 2 Little Egrets were on the wader scrape and c100 Swallows came roost in the reed beds and a Swift was flying with them. (Dave Standish)

At the same time a juvenile Hobby came in and began to chase the Swallows. On the stubble field nearby 12 Linnets, 10 Skylarks and c20 Meadow Pipits. (JP)

Insects today included 2 Red Admirals, 1 Painted Lady, 3 Brown Hawkers, 2 Migrant Hawkers and a male Vapurer moth. (CG)

Littleworth-Monk Bretton

Butterflies included 1 Brown Argus, 3 Small Copper, 12 Common Blue, 15 Small Heath and 37 Meadow Brown. (Chris Parkin)

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