Sunday 4 October 2020

Wintersett + Ringing 04.10.20

 10 - 12 degrees witn sun, 6/8 cloud and a light north westerly.

Anglers CP:  A Rock Pipit flew south at  07:50 and 3 Black-necked Grebes were still present 08:30 per @BeckyBailey101.   5 Pintail dropped onto the lake at 09.05hrs  per  @StevieD131
 17 Whooper Swans dropped in at 10.00hrs.  They were seen over Moorhouse Lane Ponds at 11.05hrs and picked up at 11.15hrs over Fittzwilliam CP  by @Fitzybirder. A flock of 17 House Martin flew south. 

Botany Bay: 35 Pink-footed Goose south east over  at 09:34hrs  per @CroftonBirder.

32 birds were ringed this morning. 

Highlights were: Chiffchaff 8.  Goldfinch 1.  Lesser Redpoll 18.  Siskin 1.  Chaffinch 1.

Odonata: A Migrant Hawker was on the Pol at Anglers CP. 

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