Monday 5 October 2020

Wintersett + Vis.Mig + Insects 05.10.20

12 - 15 degrees with  high thin cloud and a light westerly.

 Anglers CP Vis.Mig.   Pink-footed Goose - circa 1200  south east between 08:30 & 09:30 + 110  east at 10.15hrs.  Redwing 4 flew south west. 

Anglers CP:  3  Black-necked Grebes still present.  Chiffchaff 8 + 2 CHRes.  + 1 WRes.. Swallow 3. Yellow-legged Gull 1 adult.  Snipe 4. 

Wintersett Res: 5 Brambling were in the boathouse hedgerow.  Kingfisher 1.  Nuthatch 1 Pits Wood +   1 south of road.

Cold Hiendley Res: Little Grebe 2.

Insect: European Hornet - Vespa crabro 3 Haw Park Lane.  

Lepidoptera:  Small Tortoiseshell 1west bank CHRes.   Small White 1 CHRes.  + 1 Pits Wood.

Odonata: 2 Migrant Hawkers - west bank CHREs + north bank WRes.  A Common Darter was on the south bank CHRes..   A late date Common Blue Damselfly was on the spillway CHRes.

                            A late date Common Blue Damselfly  CHRes.    SDenny

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