Friday 29 January 2021

Carlton Marsh

Today was much better than forecasters predicted. There are signs that we are very gradually heading towards springtime. The days are lengthening, Snowdrops are flowering and Canada and Greylag Geese are back in small groups to stake out breeding territories. Blue Tits were seen inspecting nest boxes and the green shoots of Bluebells are pushing  through. 

Today's highlights were, 4 Red-legged Partridges (1 singing), Linnet west, Stock Dove singing, 6 Bullfinches, 6 Redpolls, 10 Skylarks, 22 Redwings, 11 Fieldfares, Kingfisher, Cetti's Warbler (singing), 12 Canada Geese, 10 Greylag Geese, Little Egret and 6 Tufted Ducks. (K. Bannister/JP/R. Laverack/CG). 

Dave Smith's garden Blackcap visited again today and therefore qualifies for the 'Big Garden Birdwatch'.
In a field near his home 30 Common Gulls, c100 Herring Gulls and c100 BH Gulls were resting. There were none at the nearby Recycling Centre as someone was working on the roof.

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