Sunday 3 January 2021

Wintersett 03.01.21

Anglers CP: Jack Snipe 1.  Snipe 40.  Peregrine 1 juvenile.  The male Stonechat is still in the north west field. 

Wintersett + Res.: Barn Owl 2.  Pink-footed Goose 1 + 80 west at 09.48hrs.   A Little Egret flew over north west, and then over ACP.   Pintail 3 south. 

Walton Hall Lake: Psycho, the adult Yellow-legged Gull was present.

Cold Hiendley SF: Green  Sandpiper 1.  Chiffchaff 2 + 1 in village. 

Canal Flash Field: Yellowhammer 40.

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