Monday 15 March 2021

15/3/21 Midhope Res/Moor

Great spring like session earlier in Midhope Res/Moor area:

Golden Plover - pair displaying over moor, 2 Peregrine, 3 Buzzards, c100 Fieldfare - roving group, Redwing - at least 1 with FF, 2 Siskin, c30 Curlew - c20 flew over towards Barnside Moor plus others around including one which flew low over the water twisting 360 degrees several times, assumed display?, c140 Starling - west in small groups, Oystercatcher pair, Teal pair, Goldeneye pair, Meadow Pipits > west, 3 Song Thrush singing, 1+ Crossbill, Skylark song, 3 Lapwing, 3 little Grebe, Kestrel, Heron, Grey Wagrail.

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