Wednesday 24 March 2021

Carlton Marsh

This morning 73 Herring Gulls, drake Pochard, 2 Little grebes and a Dunlin (R. Laverack).

This afternoon 2 Little Egrets, 2 adult LBB Gulls, a singing Red-legged Partridge, Cetti's Warbler, Redpoll north, 3 Buzzards and a Weasel (CG).

Insects included 7 Peacock, 9 S. Tortoiseshell, 12 Comma, 2 Orange Underwing moths and a Bee Fly (Chris Parkin).

Glistening Ink Cap (Coprinus micaceus) (Dave Smith)
Cudworth (Firth Avenue)
Dave Standish had 4 Buzzards and 2 Peregrines over his home and a Red Kite over Cudworth Church drifting east at 14.10hrs. 

Cudworth Common
4 Buzzards were up together along with 3 Kestrels. 2 Little Grebes and 2 Redshanks were on the flashes. In the wooded areas 2 Goldcrests, 2 Collared Doves (unusual for this site), and Tawny Owl after dark. A small Grass Snake disappeared down a hole (Les & Andrew Corrall).

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