Tuesday 13 April 2021

Wintersett 13.04.2021

 Anglers CP:

Common Scoter 1 female.   Black-necked Grebe 1 in winter plumage.  Common Sandpiper 1. 

Brambling 1 female.  Shelduck 1.  Teal 8.    Fieldfare  111 in fields.   A Snipe was on the Pol.

Disposal Point: Willow Warbler 7 males. 

Reptile: A Grass Snake was seen in the area.

Wintersett Res: VisMig: 

Going north: Sand Martin 274.  Meadow Pipit 155.  Green Sandpiper 1.

For full  counts see    https://www.trektellen.org/count/view/1100/20210413

Common Scoter female   ACP      SDenny

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