Tuesday 4 May 2021

Wintersett + Evening Update 04.05.2021

Wintersett  Res:   

2 adult Mediterranean Gulls flew north at 06.48hrs.   Great Black-backed Gull 1 north. 

Herring Gulll 58 south.  Lesser Black-backed Gull 3 south

Anglers CP + evening update:

Arctic Terns  2 in briefly, flew north at 07.50 and 2 present on shallows, flew north at 11.20hrs.     

Common Tern 15  of which 12  left north at 11.20hrs.  

Dunlin  1.  Turnstone 2 in the shallows, left north west at 10.10hrs.   

A Cormorant flew over.  Snipe 1

ACP evening update: White Wagtail 1.  Yellow Wagtail 23 this evening.

2 Arctic Terns on the shallows Anglers CP. @StevieD13

                                         2 Turnstone   Anglers CP    4.05.2021   SDenny

Turnstone    Anglers CP   04.05.2021   @Fitzybirder

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