Monday 3 May 2021

Wintersett + VisMig. + Ringing + Evening Updates 03.05.2021

Wintersett Res: 
Cuckoo 1 male.  Common Tern 8.     Common Sandpiper 1 + 1 ACP. 

Sedge Warbler:  24 males in the area - 15 WRes. + 9 Anglers CP.

Reed Warbler 21 males.     Garden Warbler 10 males,  also 3 males on Pol, ACP.  

Goldeneye 1 female.

Mallard Young:  6 very small,   10 + 6 small/medium  and 1 medium.


Anglers CP: 

A Dunlin flew over, left north east. (FOY).   White Wagtail 4.  Snipe 1. Lesser Redpoll 18.

Teal 1m + 1f.   Wigeon 1m + 1f.  Pochard 1 male over. 

14 birds were ringed this morning:

 Highlights: 9 Lesser Redpoll,  1 Garden Warbler,  1 Willow Warbler,  1 Yellowhammer. a 

 Lesser Redpoll 1 control.  

Yellowhammer ringed  ACP  03.05 2021  RBailey 
White Wagtail    Anglers CP     SDenny
Evening Updates Anglers CP: 

28 Arctic Terns and 3 adult Kittiwakes at 18.00hrs  @Fitzybirder

Kittiwakes left NW 19:10. Arctics built up to 52 by 19:40, with 36 leaving NW at 19:50. 16 remain. 

Last 16 Arctic Terns left NW at 20:00 when rain stopped & sun came out.

@StevieD131 .

Arctic Terns     Anglers CP      PMeredith    03.05.2021

                                            Kittiwakes   Anglers CP   PMeredith   03.05.21

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