Monday 28 June 2021

Barnsley Swift Group- any takers?

 Good Evening, 

Over the past few months I have received a number of calls and texts/emails from residents in Barnsley asking for advice about swifts , what boxes to use, what calls to play etc. They have generally found us on social media (Wakefield & District Swift Group on Facebook). If fact a gent in Royston asked for a free box and I sadly had to say no, which is a massive shame....... 

There is clearly quite a few swift enthusiasts in Barnsley and a unified group would really help raise awareness (with non birders/local government), help lobby local developers and Berneslei/ Barnsley council to protect and make provision for these birds. 

Just to give you an idea of what we have done in Wakefield:

  • Group formed in 2019 by myself , Francis Hickenbottom and Elizabeth Jackson
  • 1st year we used social media (facebook and twitter) to build audience and awareness. 
  • 2nd year we raised £670 from pin badge sales and fitted 27 new nests 
  • give advise and recommendations 
  • we are currently pushing Wakefield Council very hard to change local planning framework for swift bricks in new builds
  • we are consulting on planning applications from the big housing developers 
  • we have also been in discussions with WDH and now have a agreement to work together and cut entrance holes on soffits for swifts when estates are re-roofed. 
  • We have also joined the SLN (swift local network) , this is over 90 national swift groups which all share ideas / best practice etc. 

If anyone would like a project, I would be happy to help you get setup and guide you etc. it would take about 3 people initially. please contact me - or 07780 998554 

Chris Swaine 

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