Wednesday 2 June 2021

Carlton Marsh

A quieter day today 25 Canada Geese, 14 Greylag (including 9 goslings), 2 Buzzards, Kingfisher, 12 Herring Gulls, 6 LBB Gulls and 6 pairs of Tufted Duck.

Butterflies included 2 Large White, 9 Small Heath, 1 Speckled Wood and 1 Common Blue. A Cinnabar moth and a Common Carpet moth were disturbed from grass and about 6 Azure Damselflies were mating. (K. Bannister/L & A Corrall/CG).

Away from the reserve a Goldcrest was singing at 05.40hrs in Geoff Miller's Cudworth garden. 

This evening a Hobby flew low east over my Newtown, Cudworth garden at 20.53hrs (CG).

Littleworth Park-Monk Bretton
Today's butterfly count there produced 128 Small Heath, 20 Common Blue and 17 Dingy Skipper. Also of interest 10 Mother Shipton moths, 2m 1f Broad - bodied Chaser and 1 Four Spot Chaser (C. Parkin).

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