Wednesday 21 July 2021

Wintersett + Moths 21.07.2021

Anglers CP:

A Willow Tit was near the hide.   Oystercatcher 2 adults + 1 juvenile.

Black-headed Gull 1 small young.   Great Crested Grebe young.   Mallard 4 very small young

Tufted Duck 9 very small young  + 1small young Wintersett Res.. 

Overnight mothing highlights:

Fewer moths overnight , but Box Moth was new for site and a Wormwood was the first for some years.

Scarce Footman 7   Small Yellow Wave 1.  White Satin 1  and Beautiful Carpet 1.

                              Box Moth  new for this site. 21.07.2021  P.Smith

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