Monday 2 August 2021

Carlton Marsh

Two Willow Tits were calling this morning (1st seat on embankment SE3710 & near the ringing rides SE3710). An adult Dabchick was with 2 full grown on the wader scrape and Cetti's was also sing near the ringing rides. Juv Buzzard and Sparrowhawk were around and Green and Great Spotted Woodpecker called.

Out of 7 Reed Warblers ringed this morning XO76299 was re-trapped. This bird was ringed as a juvenile on 11/9/16, which means that it has already successfully made the journey to Africa 5 times and will be getting ready to depart in the middle of August.

Reed Warbler XO76299 (not easy to take one-handed)

Butterflies on show were 1 Red Admiral, 1 Ringlet and 5 Peacock (L &  A Corrall)

Littleworth Park- Monk Bretton
18 species of butterfly included 2 Painted Lady, 9 Peacock, 1 Red Admiral, 5 Brown Argus, 32 Common Blue, 4 Small Copper, 384 Gatekeeper, 323 Meadow Brown (C. Parkin).

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