Monday 30 August 2021

Carlton Marsh

Over recent days the Canada Goose and Greylag flock has increased to around 400, feeding on stubble nearby. A Little Egret was present along with a Kingfisher (JP)

A LBB Gull with a green darvic ring that visited the wader scrape on 26th July was almost certainly the dutch ringed bird seen later at Adwick in the Dearne Valley. 

Butterflies today included 1 Painted Lady, 6 Red Admiral, 17 Meadow Brown, 2 Gatekeeper, 3 Small Copper and 8 Large White. A Southern Hawker and 16 Common Darter were also of note (Chris Parkin).

An Elephant Hawk Moth larva was found on the embankment (Dave Standish).

Yesterday a Juvenile Hobby was chasing a Swallow over Belle Green Lane, Cudworth at 06.40hrs (K. Bannister)

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