Tuesday 21 September 2021

Wintersett + VisMig + Insects + Ringing

 Warm and sunny this morning, with a cool westerly breeze.

 Anglers CP + Vis.Mig:

 Lapwing 200. 

The first skein of autumn - 20 Pink-footed Geese heading east,  

Shoveler 9 east.  Wigeon 12 east, 8 west and 8 south.  

Wintersett Res: 

Whitethroat 1 west bank.  Reed Warbler 1 in boathouse reeds.

A 1stW Mediterranean Gull was in early morning.   

Pintail  11.   Goosander 1 redhead.   

Wigeon 32 + 5 ACP.   Shoveler 104 + 11 ACP.   Teal 26. Pochard 1 + 3 ACP.

9 Birds were ringed ACP this morning.

Chiffchaff 4.   Goldfinch 3.  


Blue-tailed Damselfly 1 male  Anglers CP.

A male Common Darter and a Brown Hawker were around the boathouse reeds, Winterset Res..


Small Copper 1 Anglers CP.

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