Tuesday 9 November 2021

Wintersett + Vis.Mig. 09.11.2021

Wintersett Res:

Little Grebe 4 and 1 Anglers CP.   Goosander 2.  Pochard 38.  

A male Cetti's Warbler was in the south east corner.  Canada Goose 13. 

Anglers CP:

Greylag Goose 154 + 5 Wintersett Res..   

Anglers CP Vis.Mig:  

https://www.trektellen.org/count/view/1100/20211109  @Fitzybirder

Going west: 

Brambling 6 + 2 south.  Lapwing 20.  Skylark 22. Lesser Redpoll 1. 

Fieldfare 104.  Redwing 149.  Chaffinch 2.  Siskin 11.  Reed Bunting 1. 

Going west north west:

Pink-footed Goose 180 + 140 and  55 east.   Starling 545.  

Going south:

Blackbird 1.   Meadow Pipit 3.  

Going east: 

Bullfinch 1.


Comma 1 north east bank Wintersett Res..

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