Monday 31 January 2022

Carlton Marsh

This mornings sightings included Coal Tit, Goldcrest, Green and Great Spotted Woodpecker, 30 Goldfinches, 1 Linnet north, 3 Jays, 4 Buzzards 'thermalling' included last years juv. calling, 1 Dabchick and 15 Herring Gulls. The adult Mute Swan with 2 cygnets on the scrape are all yellow darvic ringed, the numbers yet to be read. (JP/CG/R. Laverack)

Everyone has said how quiet this winter has been bird-wise, and yet, the number of species seen here in January has smashed the all time record with 73 species. The previous January record was 70 in 1998 and 2020. Shoveler and Goosander took us over the line last week and a Linnet today just adds to the total. 

A great effort by all our observers, who spends most days on their own patch. The highlights of this month were Collared Dove (its scarce here), Curlew and Chiffchaff. 

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