Friday 28 January 2022

Wintersett + Gull Roost 27.01.2022

 Walton Hall:  10.45 - 11.15hrs   - Pete Smith

Yellow-legged Gull 1 adult (Psycho).  Cormorant 2.  Grey Heron 2.  Goosander 2.  Tufted Duck 7.

Mallard 10.  Gadwall 4.  Coot 120.Little Grebe 1.  Mute Swan 18.  Greylag Goose 82.  

Canada Goose 66.  Wigeon 1m + 1 f.  Feral Pigeon 75.

Anglers CP Gull Roost: - Steve Denny

Herring Gull 4000.    Great Black-backed Gull 140.  Lesser Black-backed Gull 2.

The adult Yellow-legged Gull, 'Psycho' was in too and looking well buff!

Here's the video link

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