Monday 15 August 2022

Carlton Marsh

A Great White Egret was tucked away at the back of the scrape for an hour before it left north at 08.25hrs (JP/K. Bannister). At 10.30hrs it was on the wader scrape with a Little Egret. It was wearing a red darvic ring. Also present 4 LBB Gulls, 2 Teal, 2 Green Sandpipers, Kingfisher, Tawny Owl Juv. c30 House Martins , 6 Swallows and Great Spot Woodpecker (L & A Corrall).

3 Yellow-bellied Sliders were loafing on one of the islands in the scrape.

A butterfly count produced 3 Painted Lady, 6 Red Admiral, 1 Comma, 54 Speckled Wood, 23 Meadow Brown, 19 Gatekeeper, 2 Small Heath, 9 Brown Argus, 16 Common Blue, 3 Small Copper and 45 White species (mostly Small White). Also 3 male day-flying Vapourer moths, the sand wasp (Argogorytes mystaceus) and Hornet Mimic Hoverfly (Volucella zonaria).

(C. Parkin)

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