Sunday 7 August 2022

Wintersett + Ringing + Vis.Mig 07.08.2022

Anglers CP Vis.Mig: @Fitzybirder

A total of 138 individuals, 8 (+2) species, 6:30 hours

A female type Marsh Harrier from 10.10hrs - 10.30hrs, then went south west.

An adult Hobby seen at 10.55hrs, 11.50hrs and 12.35hrs (presume same bird).   

Peregrine 1 juvenile present.

Going south:

4 Shelduck dropped in for 45 minutes, then left.  Red Kite 1. 

Going west:

Common Gull 1l.

Going south west:

Swift 61   Sand Martin 10   Swallow 11   House Martin  49. 

114 birds were ringed at Wintersett this morning:  @BeckyBailey101 @PeteSmith1254

Highlights were: 

18 Willow Warbler,   25 Chiffchaff,   2 Goldcrest,   2 Treecreeper,  9 Blackcap,  

6 Garden Warbler,  13 Reed Warbler,   4 Sedge Warbler,  1 Cettis Warbler  (1st year male),   

3 Swallow,  1 Sand Martin,   3 Linnet,  1 Song Thrush,  1 Kingfisher.(photo RBailey)


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