Thursday 18 August 2022

Wintersett + Vis.Mig. + Ringing. 18.08.2022

Anglers CP:  Graham Speight

 Greylag Goose 227.  Mallard 228.  Teal 3.  Shoveler 5.  Pochard 20. 

Goldeneye 3.  Cormorant 34.  Peregrine 2.  Water Rail 1.  Lapwing 150.

Common Sandpiper 2.  Water Rail 1.  Green Woodpecker 1.  Nuthatch 1.  

Yellow-legged Gull 1 juvenile

ACP Vis.Mig: Graham Speight

Going south : Swift 22.  Swallow 112.  Sand Martin 15.  House Martin 30.

71 birds were ringed today: Pete Smith 

Highlights  were 13 Willow Warbler,  14 Chiffchaffs,   2 Blackcaps,    
2 Whitethroat,  2 Reed Warbler, 11 Goldfinch and 2 Linnets.  

Wintersett Res: Graham Speight

Yellow-legged Gull 1 adult.  Swallow 200  Sand Martin 100  Mistle Thrush 16.


A female Ruddy Darter seen over bushes on Botany Road.

An Emperor was flying over and around the Dam Wall WRes..

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