Sunday 16 October 2022

Wintersett + Vis.Mig. 16.10.2022

Anglers CP:

Little Egret 1.  Whooper Swan 2 - then to CHRes..  Pink-footed Goose 1,  Shoveler 48.

Wintersett Res:  

Bearded Tit 2,(1m + 1f), flew out of boathouse reeds  on west bank. gained height, then lost behind trees.  

A Bearded Tit was calling in west bank marsh 11.40hrs, flew to boathouse reeds at 11.55hrs.

ACP Vis.Mig:

Going west:   Pink-footed Goose 25 .  Snipe 3.  Redwing 7.  Lesser Redpoll 2.

Going southwest:  Skylark 27 + 2 north.  Bullfinch 1. 

Going south:  alba Wagtail 16.  Meadow Pipit 9.  Greenfinch 1.  Linnet 4.  Goldfinch 9.  Siskin 1.


Red Admiral 1 south ACP.  


Wintersett Res: Common Darter 1 male  west bank marsh.

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