Friday 10 March 2023

Wintersett WeBS for March 2023.

Here are the Wintersett WeBS counts for March 2023:

Mute Swan 12.   Whooper Swan 4.   Canada Goose 83.   

Greylag Goose 19.   Cormorant 9.    Great Crested Grebe 20.   

Coot 115.   Moorhen 21.   Mallard 38.   Teal 7.   Wigeon 304.   

Gadwall 16.   Shoveler 3.   Tufted Duck 131.  Pochard 27.   

Goldeneye 130.   Goosander 8.   Grey Heron 1.   Snipe 8.   

Lapwing  74.   Oystercatcher 4.

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