Sunday 9 July 2023

Carlton Marsh 9/7/23

A Wood Sandpiper on the wader scrape at 08.54hrs probably arrived overnight, but it was gone by mid-morning (JP). This was the first since May 1994.

This record shot just shows the eye stripe (JP)

Also on the wader scrape our female Garganey without her duckling. Presumably the torrential rain in the thunderstorm last night claimed it. There was no sign of the drake either.
Female Garganey (Dave Standish)

Also present Kingfisher, Water Rail, 2 Dabchick, juvenile Buzzard calling.
Insects included this year's first Purple Hairstreak, 1 Red Admiral, 2 Comma, 4 Gatekeeper, a male Banded Agrion, several Emperor, 2 Brown Hawker and 3 Southern Hawker (CG).

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