Friday 8 September 2023

Carlton Marsh Moths 7/9/23

24 species attracted to the MV lamp included Gold Spot, Bulrush Wainscot, Dusky Sallow, Chinese Character, Centre Barred Sallow and Old Lady. More that a dozen Copper Underwings were attracted to sugared bait. (CG/C. Parkin).

Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing
Light Emerald
Dusky Thorn
5 Shoveler, White Wagtail and a Weasel (L. & A. Corrall)

Beech Avenue, Upper Cudworth 
2 Siskins flew SW at 07.05hrs and 2 Swifts at 19.35hrs (G. Miller)

Storrs Mill to Ardsley Viaduct
Grey Wagtail. Insects included 12 Red Admiral, 6 Comma, 45 Speckled Wood, 4 Small Copper, 4 Common Blue and 3 male Vapourer moths (C. Parkin).

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