Friday 29 September 2023

Carlton Marsh

30 Pink Feet headed high to the east at 09.40hrs and Skylarks were moving through in small numbers. 

A male Cetti's Warbler sang and a female was ringed, along with a male Blackcap, Chiffchaff and a male Goldcrest.

Also of note 2 Cormorants south and a single Redpoll flew over.  (CG) 2 Peregrine were in residence at Ardagh Glassworks (K. Bannister).

Storrs Mill to Ardsley Viaduct
Little Egret, Cormorant and 12 Linnet. Insects on view were; 1 Painted Lady, 30 Red Admiral, 2 Small Tortoiseshell, 41 Comma, 1 Small Copper, 7 Small White and 4 Migrant Hawker including 2 mating.

Migrant Hawkers mating (C. Parkin)

A Grass Snake was taking advantage of the warm sunshine (C. Parkin).

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