Wednesday 6 September 2023

Wintersett + Insects 06.09.2023

Wintersett Res:

Mallard 63  +  43 Anglers CP.  Little Grebe 19.

Goldeneye 1 female.   Pochard 2.  Redshank 1.

Tufted Duck 1 in wing moult.  A Siskin flew south.

An adult Mediterranean Gull was in the roost tonight. 

A female Goldeneye flew in to the south bank roost, fully winged,

so presumed the new bird.

Anglers CP: 

Teal 11.   Snipe 1.    Kingfisher 1. 


European Hornet 2 near ACP Hide

Roesel's Bush Cricket 1 in grass near visitor centre.


A Green-veined White was on north bank WRes.

A Small White was on Botany Bay. 

Odonata Botany Bay:

Common Blue Damselfly 1.   Brown Hawker 1.  

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