Thursday 7 September 2023

Wintersett + Ringing + Vis.Mig. + Insects

Anglers CP Pol + Ringing  P.Smith

44 Birds were ringed this morning.

Highlight was:  Willow Tit 1 x 1st year.   Photo below  - Steve Denny 

Chiffchaff 17.   Willow Warbler 3.    5 Tree Sparrow flew over.  

Blackcap 10.   Reed Warbler 1.   Goldfinch 5.


Anglers CP - G.Speight

Shelduck 1 juv.   Gadwall 162   Mallard 197.   Teal 16.  

Wigeon 18.   Shoveler 21.   Goldeneye 2. Little Grebe 24

A Red Kite was blogging about all morning. Pochard 3.

Anglers CP Vis.Mig: - G.Speight

Going south: Meadow Pipit 15.   Swallow 18.   

House Martin 5.  Best was a Nuthatch flying high southwards, 

like a Great Spotted Woodpecker.   Bizarre!


Common Blue Damselfly 1 male.  

A Willow Emerald was over the Pol boardwalk pond. 

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