Friday 22 September 2023

Wintersett Vis.Mig. 22.09.2023

Wintersett Vis.Mig: (G.Speight)

Going south:  Meadow Pipit  -  4140 to 10.15hrs.  

1000 by 07.30, 2000 by 08.07, with only one counter! 3000 by 08.35hrs, 4000 by 09.50hrs.

A Marsh Harrier flew south at 07.45hrs.

House Martin  86.   Skylark 38.  Swallow 41.   alba Wagtail 2. 

Going east:

Pink-footed Geese 755 in 6 skeins:  

90 at 08.35hrs, then 240 + 230+ 30 + 55 + 110.

Wintersett Res:

A Wheatear was on the north bank. 

A Red-breasted Merganser flew over low to Anglers CP,  and presumably north 11.22hrs.

Anglers CP:

Shelduck 1.   Goldeneye 1.  Great Crested Grebe 13. 

Little Egret 1.   Grey Heron 1.

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