Monday 2 October 2023

Carlton Marsh

8 Skeins of Pink Feet Geese totalling 1,110, flew east or south east between 09.10hrs and 10.18hrs (D.M. Smith/R. Laverack/D. Standish/A. Vincent). 48 Greylags flew SE during the same period.

Feeding on tilled land were 25 Linnet, 15 Meadow Pipit, 15 Pied Wagtail. Also of note 3 Redpoll, 2 Grey Wagtail, 2 Cetti's Warbler, 14 Shoveler, Water Rail and a pair of Stonechat on the east bank of the wader scrape (L & A Corrall). 

Insects included Migrant Hawker, a male Willow Emerald, 3 Red Admiral and a Painted Lady feeding on the last flowers of Buddlea (CG/K. Bannister).

My thanks to all who sent in their sightings today.

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