Wednesday 4 October 2023

Wintersett + Vis.Mig. 04.10.2023

 Anglers CP Vis.Mig:

A good movement of Pink footed Geese this morning; 

A  total of 1975 went eastwards over Wintersett in 20 skeins.

Going south:

Pintail 1.  Swallow 19.   Golden Plover 12 + 3 west.

Meadow Pipit 242.   Redpoll 47.   Siskin 17.   Skylark 25.

Anglers CP:  

Little Egret 1.   Goosander 3.   Shelduck 1 juvenile. Goldfinch 60.

A male Cetti's Warbler was in the south west corner.

Haw Park:

Peregrine 1

Botany Dell: Steve Denny

8 Crossbills flew over west at 10.00hrs.

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