Monday 9 October 2023

Wintersett Vis.Mig. Redwings. 09.10.2023

Wintersett Res. Vis.Mig.   09.15 - 11.00hrs  - Ange Smith

A Rock Pipit flew north and a flock of 60 Skylarks flew south at 09.00hrs. Steve Denny.

The Rock Pipit moved to the east bank, but was still present at lunch time - Chris Swaine.

Flocks of Redwings were steadily moving west over Ryhill village this morning.I was in the north bank field,  and counted 980 in the first thirty minutes.  More flocks followed.

The Redwing flocks kept coming.   

I held on until 10.15hrs, as the farmer was ploughing the field, by which time I had counted 2045 Redwings!   By 10.40hrs the total was 3145.Redwings still going west, but I had to move off, as the farmer was coming too close.  

Total count

980 by 09.35 hrs + 830  by 09.55hrs 

+ 1220 by 10.15hrs  + 475 by 12.40 hrs + 620 by 1245hrs

The total Redwing count was  4125!

Anglers CP:

Snipe 3.   Pied Wagtail 2.  Shelduck 1 juvenile.

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