Sunday 8 October 2023

Wintersett + Vis.Mig. + Ringing 08.10.2023

Anglers CP: Vis.Mig.  @Fitzybirder 

A Woodcock was flushed  from the Vis. Mig. Benches early this morning. 

A Pintail flew south.    11 Redwing, and  6 Fieldfare  flew west. 

A Cetti's Warbler was in bushes on the path to the hide.

A decent enough session once the fog cleared. Managed to get Redwing over the 1.5k mark, just, but the birds had largely given up before I did. The first (11) did not come through until 09.50, then very slow for the next hour with peak numbers (and biggest flocks of 170 & 150) just prior to midday. Tailed off quickly after 1 pm. Plenty of buzzard activity early afternoon inc a few that seemed to be going straight through. The slightly raggy looking marsh harrier was a different bird to yesterday 

Follow link below for full list.

25 Birds were ringed this morning.  Pete Smith

Highlights were:  

Chiffchaff 2.   Blackcap 1 female.  Lesser Redpoll 11.

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