Monday 29 April 2024

Wintersett 29.04.2024

Wintersett Res:

Redpoll 1 in Willow Wood + 3 in south west corner.

Shelduck 1.   Common Sandpiper 1 + 1 ACP.  Swift 40.  

Mute Swan 13 + 4 Cold Hiendley Res. + 4 Anglers CP. 

A male Goldcrest was at the boathouse.

2 male Sedge Warblers - Botany Road.

Cold Hiendley Res: 

Goldeneye 1 male. 

Anglers CP:

Common Tern 3.   A fledged young Pied Wagtail with adult, north east corner.

Common Gull 1 1st Winter.

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