Saturday 18 May 2024

Carlton Marsh 14th to 18th May

 2 Ringed Plovers and 1 Little Ringed Plover were on the wader scrape on the 14th (R.J. Boland). They were followed by a Redshank on the 15th and 16th (K. Bannister et al). A Cuckoo was also present.

Today 18th May. A late arriving Lesser Whitethroat was singing and 2 Lapwings were present (JP).

South Kirkby Industrial Park

1 Grey Partridge.

The first Brown Argus (2) and Common Blue (2) of the year were on the wing. Also 27 Dingy Skipper, 16 Small Heath and 14m Brimstone. 
Day flying moths include 4 Small Yellow Underwing, 8 Mother Shipton and the more nocturnal Ruby Tiger. 
Dragonflies abroad an early Emperor, 3 Broad-bodied Chaser, and 8 Large Red Damselfly.
34 Thick-legged Beetles were counted.
Southern Marsh and 3 Bee Orchids were in bloom (Chris Parkin)

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