Saturday 8 June 2024

Carlton Marsh & South Kirkby Industrial Park

We were joined by about 12 members of the Barnsley Naturalists Society. They split into two groups taking turns to pond dip and walk the Western Meadow. The meadow produced 4 species of damselfly and a female Black-tailed Skimmer.

A Common Blue, 2 Small Heath and 2 Dingy Skippers.

Also a few Burnet Companion and Yellow Shell moths, 2 Thick-legged Beetles and 4 Bee and Southern Marsh Orchids.


                                     Green Shield Bugs mating (CG)

                                                     Bee Orchid

                                     Carlton Village

                                    Puss moth (Dave Smith's garden)

South Kirkby Industrial Park
In all the years I have been recording butterflies, I have never known numbers as low. Today, my earliest Ringlet by one day, 6 Brimstone, 1 Brown Argus, 14 Common Blue, 9 Small Heath, 2 Dingy Skipper, 10 Large Skipper, 8 Meadow Brown,  and a pair of Coot with 3 well-grown young (Chris Parkin)

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