Sunday 23 June 2024

Carlton Marsh

A Red Kite flew north over the Newtown estate in Low Cudworth at 08.40hrs (Dave Standish) and what was presumably the same bird was over Carlton Marsh at 14.40hrs for 10 minutes before it drifted north (Gary Standish). 

Also of interest Little Egret, Kingfisher, a fly over Greenfinch, 2 singing Cetti's Warbler and 4 Grey Herons. 

Butterflies other than Ringlet and Meadow Brown were few and far between. 5 Large Skipper, 3 Small Heath and 2 Common Blue.

Also present 1m Banded Demoiselle, 2m Emperor dragonflies, 6 Four Spot Chasers, 5 Broad-bodied Chasers (3m) and 3f Common Darters.

8 Burnet Companion moths and a Golden - bloomed Grey Longhorn Beetle were of note (C. Parkin/CG).

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