Tuesday 25 June 2024

Carlton Marsh

This morning female, Peregrine, Buzzard and Kestrel (Keith Bannister).

This evening 3 adult Oystercatchers, 1 Lapwing, 5 Teal and 1 3rd summer LBB Gull on the wader scrape.

A Southern Hawker patrolling the embankment was the first for this year (CG).

A Red Kite flew over Booth's scrapyard, Shafton at 18.50hrs (Dave Standish)

South Kirkby Industrial Park
Butteflies included 1 rather worn Painted Lay, 61 Marbled White, 265 Ringlet, 127 Meadow Brown, 12 Large Skipper, 21 Small Skipper, 12 Small Heath, 12 Common Blue 1f Brimstone and 2 Latticed Heath moths. There was an obvious lack of White species again (Chris Parkin).

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