Wednesday 5 June 2024

Wintersett + Odonata + Lepidoptera: 05.06.2024

Anglers CP:

Oystercatcher 2 young + 1 young.   Shoveler 1 male.  

Sand Martin 3.  Gadwall 9. 

Mallard 3 Medium/Large young ,  

+ 3 Medium young + 2 very small young ACP hide.

A 3rd summer Lesser Black backed Gull was in the shallows.

Anglers CP  Odonata:  Emperor 1 male.  

George's  Corner:  Lapwing 2 adults.

Disposal Point: Lepidoptera

Common Blue 1 male,   Small Heath 1.  

Disposal Point - Plant: Yellow Stone Crop 

Moorhouse Lane Big Pond:  Odonata:

Broad-bodied Chaser 1 female.    4 Spotted Chaser  2. 

Azure Damselfly 1 male.

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