Sunday 28 July 2024

Wintersett + Ringing 28.07.2024

52 Birds were ringed  @Wintersett today;

Highlights - Chiffchaff 15,  Willow Warbler 8,

Treecreeper 1,  Blackcap 1,  Whitethroat 4,

Reed Warbler 7,  Sedge Warbler 7, Linnet 1,

Reed Bunting 1. 

Wintersett Res:

Gadwall with 4 very small young.  Kingfisher 1.  

Grey Wagtail 1.   Yellow Wagtail 1 flew south.

Goldeneye 1 female.  

Anglers CP:

A Red Kite flew over the top end at 10.25hrs.

Cold Hiendley Res:

Common Tern 10.

Cold Hiendley Village:

Swift 1.  


WRes:  Red Admiral 1.   Ringlet 1. 

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