Thursday 15 August 2024

Wintersett 14th and 15th August 2024

14th August 2024

69 birds were ringed today @Wintersett1:

With highlights of:

Chiffchaffs 18,  Willow Warbler  6,  Blackcap 16,   Garden Warbler 1,

Lesser Whitethroat 1,   Reed Warbler 7 and  Greenfinch 7.

Pete Smith. 

15th August 2024

Anglers CP: 

Goldfinch  80.   Little Egret 1.   Pink-footed goose 1.   

Little Grebe 1 + 2 WRes..  Common  Tern 2 + 4 CHRes.

Wintersett Res:

A Great White Egret flew in from the west at 11.07hrs.

Pochard 3.   Gadwall 16.   Goldeneye 1 female.   Shoveler 1.

Green Woodpecker 1 south west. 

Cold Hiendley Res: 

Pete Smith found the  juvenile Garganey this morningstill present this afternoon.

Steve Denny was looking for the Garganey and almost trod on it.

Fortunately it was asleep so didn't disturb it. 

Embedded video

                 Juvenile Garganey  Cold Hiendley Res..   Steve Denny.

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