Friday 6 September 2024

Anglers CP: Vis.Mig. 06.09.2024

Anglers CP:  Paul Meredith,  Steve Denny. Pete Smith.

Going east:  Ravens 2 east at 07.56hrs.   

Going north:  Spoonbill 2 at 09.02hrs.

2 Curlew flew west.  Common Sandpiper 1.  

Yellow Wagtail 1 flew south CP. 

Red Kite 1.   Snipe 1.  Magpie 17.

A juvenile Common Gull flew south.

Little Egret 1.  Mistle Thrush 1 west.

Disposal Point:

Circa 100 Linnets were on the disposal point.

Haw Park Wood:

Hobby 2.

Wintersett Res:

Black Tern 1 juvenile.  (SD et al.) 

A Water Rail was in the boathouse reeds. 

A Ringed Plover flew over,  SD, PM ACP 

Botany Bay:

Whitethroat 1.   

CP Vis Mig 07.15-13.15 

Vis.Mig update @Wintersett1 - per Paul Meredith

Highlights: Spoonbill (2N), G W Egret (1W), Red Kite (1), Hobby (4), Peregrine (juv S), 

Curlew (2W), R Plover (1 N), C Sand (1), Raven (2E), Yellow Wag (1 S); 

Black Tern still on TR 13.15 hrs.

Image        Image 

      Great White Egret  ACP  P.Meredith               2 Spoonbills  ACP   P.Meredith

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