Friday 20 September 2024

Wintersett 20.09.2024

Anglers CP Vis.Mig:   PM, AS

A Marsh Harrier flew over south at 08.45hrs. 

Common Sandpiper 1.   Little Egret 2.

A Cetti's Warbler was singing in the SW corner.

10 Wigeon dropped in at 09.08hrs.  Little Grebe 2. 

A Marsh Harrier flew south east at 09.17hrs.

Teal 14 + 7 (SD),  Tufted Duck 130 (SD).

Going north: (SD).

100 Pink-footed Geese at 09.50hrs. 

A Dunlin flew north at 09.59hrs. 

Wintersett Res: (SD)

Kingfisher 1.   Hobby 1.  

A Blackcap was in the Willow Wood. 

Cetti's Warblers: - (SD)

1 male in Willow Wood,  1 male in south west corner ACP,

1 male in north east corner WRes.,  1 male north bank WRes.

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