Tuesday 24 September 2024

Wintersett + Ringing 24.09.2024

Walton Hall:

3 Great White Egrets,  then seen over ACP 

with 2 flying east at 09.35hrs then 1 east at 09.50hrs. 

Little Egret 1.

Haw Park Wood:

Hornet 1.   Hobby 2.


A Red Admiral was on Haw Park Lane.

Wintersett Res:

Wigeon 66.  Little Grebe 15.  

Great Crested Grebe 29 + 10 ACP,

Anglers CP:

Swallow 50.   House Martin 50.   

Golden Plover 2 north west + 1 south east + 7 east.

Green Woodpecker 1.  A Cetti's Warbler was on the Pol.

3 Grey Heron flew over high west at 11.05hrs.

Greylag Geese 158.  Great Black-backed Gull 1 adult.

Meadow Pipit 48 south. 

Pete Smith Ringed 45 birds today @Wintersett1,

with highlights of Chiffchaffs 15,  Blackcap 3,  Reed Bunting 1 and Goldfinch 18.

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